Frey Martell

Frey Martell

Lux Perpetua - The Infinite Expression of Art and Economics

Lux Perpetua - The Infinite Expression of Art and Economics

The creator, Vikki Bardot, reminds us that time is an illusion—a concept deeply embedded in the 2000 exceptional pieces of her Lux Perpetua collection.
4 min read
My Beloved Fearless Pioneers of Sci-Fi: Sigourney Weaver and Octavia Butler

My Beloved Fearless Pioneers of Sci-Fi: Sigourney Weaver and Octavia Butler

In a world of uncertainty and arbitrary hierarchies, two women dared to defy the constraints imposed upon them by the limits of their society. Sigourney Weaver and Octavia Butler, pioneers in science fiction
9 min read
Adaptability: A Matter of Life and Death - PT.ll

Adaptability: A Matter of Life and Death - PT.ll

Undoubtedly, numerous athletes and artists can identify with this sentiment: at times, we must embrace change and cultivate alternative pursuits that align better with our capabilities. We always hear success stories in sports and art, but consider this:
4 min read
Adaptability: A Matter of Life and Death

Adaptability: A Matter of Life and Death

Military commanders have for centuries lived by this creed, "No plans survive first contact with the enemy." It seems crucial to realize that to reach success in any ambitious endeavor...
5 min read
Thoughts and highlights - Regrets? Not for Me

Thoughts and highlights - Regrets? Not for Me

We also know from research that when a thought or group of thoughts associated with the same topic is present in the brain, it will have a ripple effect of sorts and create “associative thoughts.”
3 min read
Regrets? Not for me

Regrets? Not for me

I argue that regrets are bad and useless; they sneak into your brain, taking more and more room and energy, cluttering the cognitive bandwidth without bringing anything positive; in fact, they yield no benefits whatsoever
8 min read
Raising the Great Inner Realm Shield to Enrich your Life - PT.II

Raising the Great Inner Realm Shield to Enrich your Life - PT.II

Despite all of these precautions, most of us neglect to guard the most crucial aspect of our well-being, our minds. In this article, I shall convey the imperative nature of constructing a formidable defense for our innermost selves. I will elucidate how one can cultivate and maintain such a shield.
5 min read
Raising the Great Inner Realm Shield to Enrich your Life

Raising the Great Inner Realm Shield to Enrich your Life

Despite all of these precautions, most of us neglect to guard the most crucial aspect of our well-being, our minds. In this article, I shall convey the imperative nature of constructing a formidable defense for our innermost selves. I will elucidate how one can cultivate and maintain such a shield.
9 min read
Mission Statement - Freyah Martell

Mission Statement - Freyah Martell

"Dream without fear, live without limits." In our day and age, the world and each person individually face
4 min read
Announcement 01 - Instagram @freyahmartell

Announcement 01 - Instagram @freyahmartell

Hey, my friends, Today I have an announcement to make. I have decided to step into self-improvement and I invite
2 min read